▍After the passing of a law on mini electric two-wheel vehicles,a license plate can only be applied for after compulsory automobile liability insurance has been obtained. When applying for insurance the following documents should be submitted:
•Insurance application form (fill in the required information or explanation as instructed)
•Alien Resident Certificate
•Proof of origin (factory certificate, customs import document or goods tax payment (exemption) certificate)
After collecting the aforementioned information an application for insurance can be filed with the relevant insurance company and once payment is made compulsory automobile liability insurance will be provided.
Remember, failure to obtain new insurance within six months of the original insurance expiring will lead to the cancellation of your license plate.
▍RUU Kendaraan Roda Dua Listrik Mikro Disahkan
Perlu membeli asuransi kendaraan wajib sebelum mengajukan permohonan pelat nomor kendaraan, sebelum mengasuransikan harus mempersiapkan dokumen berikut ini:
•Formulir Permohonan Asuaransi (isi atau menjelaskan informasi yang diperlukan untuk asuransi sesuai dengan fakta)
•Bukti asal kendaraan (sertifikat produksi atau pabean impor dan sertifikat (pembebasan) pajak bea cukai)
Setelah mempersiapkan dokumen tersebut di atas, maka dapat mengajukan asuransi terkait ke perusahaan asuransi, dan setelah melakukan pembayaran maka bisa mendapatkan sertifikat bukti asuransi kendaraan wajib.
Mengingatkan Anda, jika masa berlaku asuransi telah berakhir lebih dari 6 bulan tetapi belum diasuransikan, maka lisensi pelat akan dibatalkan berdasarkan hukum
▍Chính thức thông qua Dự luật quản lý xe máy điện 2 bánh loại nhỏ
Bạn phải mua bảo hiểm bắt buộc xe máy trước khi xin cấp biển số. Trước khi tham gia bảo hiểm, bạn nên chuẩn bị những giấy tờ sau:
•Đơn đăng ký bảo hiểm (điền hoặc trình bày các thông tin cần thiết khi tham gia bảo hiểm theo thực tế)
•Thẻ cư trú
•Chứng nhận xuất xứ (giấy chứng nhận sản xuất hoặc giấy chứng nhận hải quan nhập khẩu và giấy chứng nhận nộp (miễn) thuế hàng hóa.
Sau khi chuẩn bị đầy đủ những giấy tờ trên, bạn có thể đăng ký tham gia bảo hiểm với công ty bảo hiểm liên quan. Sau khi đóng phí bảo hiểm, bạn sẽ nhận được giấy chứng nhận bảo hiểm bắt buộc.
Xin nhắc bạn, nếu thời hạn bảo hiểm hết hạn quá 6 tháng mà bạn chưa mua bảo hiểm, giấy phép lái xe sẽ bị hủy theo quy định của pháp luật!
•ใบคำขอเอาประกัน (กรอกรายละเอียดหรือชี้แจงตามความเป็นจริง)
•บัตรถิ่นที่อยู่ (ARC)
•หลักฐานการซื้อรถจักรยาน (หลักฐานการผลิตจากโรงงานหรือหลักฐานการนำเข้าจากศุลกากรและหนังสือรับรองการเสีย (ยกเว้น) ภาษี)
เมื่อเตรียมเอกสารข้างต้นครบถ้วนแล้ว สามารถซื้อประกันจากบริษัทประกันภัยได้ หลังชำระเบี้ยประกันก็จะได้รับกรมธรรม์ประกันภัยภาคบังคับ
ขอเตือนท่านว่า หากประกันภัยหมดอายุเกิน6 เดือนและไม่ต่ออายุ จะถูกเพิกถอนทะเบียนรถ!